Prevalence of chronic back and neck pain- Plus LIVE Q&A Today Dec. 10th!

The worldwide prevalence of back and neck pain is may be higher than you think- It has been found that upwards of 80 percent of all people experience back pain at some point in their lives and almost 25 percent of people live with chronic back pain, and 11 percent are disabled by it. A recent Lancet study has predicted:
‘By 2050, a 36.4% rise in low back pain cases is projected with 843 million people projected to fall into this category.’
According the study the biggest ‘risk factors are work-related ergonomic factors, obesity, and smoking.’
Some of the other factors less talked about and most definitely important for chronic back pain are the psychosocial factors. These brain and nervous system factors can be much more impactful on pain than many realize and can be the main reason why acute pain becomes chronic pain.
If you’d like to learn more about chronic back and neck pain, join me later today Sunday December 10th at 7pm EST/ 4pm PST. I will be talking live to Kent Bassett, the director of the film ‘This Might Hurt’ about back and neck pain. We will discuss some of the myths surrounding back and neck pain and the role of psychosocial factors in these conditions.
Live Q&A Session: