Talking Healing with Georgie Oldfield, SIRPA founder
I had the pleasure to speak to UK based Georgie Oldfield, Physiotherapist and SIRPA founder. Georgie is a leader in the mind-body field. She has written a book: "Chronic Pain: Your Key To Recovery" and…

Chronic Pain and Athletes
I did an interview with Eddy Lindenstein of The Mind and Fitness Podcast about the role of the mind in athletes with chronic or recurring pain. Have a listen if you're inclined- I go over some of the research…

Your Brain Wave State is One of the Keys to Healing
I am big proponent using conscious mindfulness and self-awareness to teach the brain and body to relax and to put it into a healing state. I use it daily and teach it to others as a cornerstone to good…

The Key To Taming Chronic Pain is Learning to How to Reduce Stress
The one common denominator with chronic pain and other chronic health problems is an inability to activate the parasympathetic nervous system for long enough periods of time. Basically this means our nervous…