Trauma increases the risk of somatic symptoms by 2.7 times
This was a nice review paper looking at how psychological trauma affects functional somatic symptoms (FSS) in the body. Functional means no specific identifiable medical cause is found in the body. What…

Study: “Beliefs about the unacceptability of emotions and emotional suppression relate to worse outcomes in fibromyalgia”
This 2017 study looked at the relationship between beliefs about emotions, emotional suppression, and the global impact it has on fibromyalgia patients. Fibromyalgia is one of the conditions that has its…

Study: “The interaction between stress and chronic pain through the lens of threat learning.”
Chronic pain or chronic somatic symptoms are not the same as acute pain or acute somatic symptoms. Chronic symptoms are typically maladaptive and don't represent a true threat in the body (like an acute…