Archive for month: July, 2022

Impaired Threat & Safety Learning With Chronic Pain

This 2022 study in the Journal Pain found what I see daily with chronic pain patients. The researchers 'conclude that chronic back pain is associated with altered threat and safety learning. This ambiguity…

Optimism vs Pessimism and Your Health

We have tons of clinical data that show positive optimism is related much better health outcomes while negative pessimism relates to poorer health outcomes. One of the ways pessimism shows up is with catastrophizing…

Chronic Fatigue is Linked with Negative Beliefs About Activity

One of the more common chronic symptoms I treat in people is fatigue. CFS/ME as it's called, really stops people from moving forward because of the crippling fatigue symptoms it brings. The fatigue…

Become a CEO to Reduce Your Risk of Anxiety & Symptoms

Those who follow me know I am big fan of the science supporting the work I do to help people heal from chronic health conditions. I love it when the title of a complex brain study says exactly what we…