Emotional Awareness & Expression- Upcoming February Group Class

The Pain PT Blog

Emotional Awareness & Expression Therapy (EAET) has been shown in 4 different studies to be an effective treatment choice for different types of problematic physical symptoms. Dr. Howard Schubiner and Mark Lumley did this review paper on the evidence and write:

‘Four recent randomized, controlled trials of different EAET durations (1 to 8 sessions) and formats (individual or group) in patients with fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, pelvic pain, or medically unexplained symptoms support the earlier findings. EAET reliably reduces pain and interference. The largest and best conducted trial found superiority of EAET over cognitive-behavioral therapy for fibromyalgia.’

I have trained in EAET with Howard and Mark and I have been going over this work and my own understanding of emotions in my current weekly group meetings. I will be adding a new group each month starting this February for people wanting to learn more about emotions, how they influence physical symptoms, how to identify them in your symptoms, and how to acknowledge and express them.

Once you have completed the first month you can join the current group as we continue to dive into emotions and how to deal with chronic physical symptoms in the body.

If you have any interest in joining the February group please go to my website to sign up. You get 6 hours (1.5 hours per week) of live material that is also recorded if you can’t make it in person, 4 daily somatic practices each week (5 in total including the weekly group meeting), ability to ask questions via chat during each group meeting, and also access to my private facebook group where you can share your experiences, successes, and struggles, and receive support from me and also the other group members. We are all in this together! The cost is $150 for the month.